

May 2024

Joined IIT KGP as a faculty in the Computer Science and Engineering department.

Joined IIT KGP

Feb. 2023

Joined the Honda Research Institute, Offenbach am Main, Germany. Will be working on Software Engineering and Software Security.

Joined HRI

Dec. 2021


Our paper on finding name-value inconsistencies has been accepted in ICSE'22.

ICSE Paper gets accepted

Jun. 2021

Won distinguised paper award 🏆 at FSE'21 for our work on seeding semantic bugs 🐞.

Distinguished Paper Award

May 2021

Joined SAP SE, Walldorf, Germany. Will be working on JavaScript code analysis.

Joined SAP

May 2021

Successfully defended my PhD 🎓.

PhD Defense

May 2021


Our paper on semantic bug seeding gets accepted in FSE'21.

FSE Paper gets accepted

Dec. 2020

Our survey on compiler testing methods gets published at ACM CSUR

Survey on Compiler Testing

Dec. 2018


Our paper on inferring JavaScript function types from Natural Language Informations gets accepted to ICSE'19

ICSE Paper gets accepted

Dec. 2017


Our paper on finding and understanding conflicts among JavaScript libraries gets accepted to ICSE'18

ICSE Paper gets accepted

Jul. 2017


Our paper on reducing tree-structured test inputs gets accepted to ASE'17

ASE Paper gets accepted
🔨 Last Updated: 26 June 2024, Asia/Calcutta